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PaleonticaID: #4027
Door: carboon
Locatie: Winterswijkse Steengroeve, Nederland
Datum: 05-02-2014
superorde (Superordo): Sauropterygia (Owen, 1861)
infraklasse (Infraclassis): Lepidosauromorpha (Benton, 1983)
klasse (Classis): Reptilia (Laurenti, 1768)
superklasse (Superclassis): Tetrapoda (Goodrich, 1930)
infrastam (Infraphylum): Gnathostomata (Gegenbauer, 1874)
substam (Subphylum): Vertebrata (Lamarck, 1801)
stam (Phylum): Chordata (Haeckel, 1847)
rijk (Regnum): Animalia (Linnaeus, 1758)
domein (Superregnum): Eukaryota (Woese et al. , 1990)
leven (Vita): Vita
Klein, N., Albers, P.C.H. (2009) - A new species of the sauropsid reptile Nothosaurus from the Lower Muschelkalk of the western Germanic Basin, Winterswijk, The Netherlands
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